NinaSimone Hopkins
Reproductive & Sexual Health Nursing
Advanced Practice Nurse
Curriculum Vitae
A highly motivated healthcare professional, with advanced training in nursing, women's health, and public health, who is capable in the execution of optimal patient care & advocacy through professionalism, health education, and collaboration; Experience in diagnosis and management of chronic disease & sexually transmitted infections with an emphasis on vulnerable populations and wellness.
Professional ​
FDS Gynaecology Clinical Nurse Specialist
Northwick Park Hospital, United Kingdom
02/2022 to Current
Advanced gynaecology specialist knowledge to review and interpret all clinical investigatory results
Determine the next pathway stage for cancer referrals
Triage of suspected cancer referrals against national standards
Nurse led telephone clinic prior to discharge
Autonmous work in identifying and maintaining supportive networks
Request test including bloods and radiological examinations in line with protocols and expedited pathways
Lead on clinical projects, standard setting, audits and quality monitoring
Promote patient and public experiences feedback through initiatives to drive change
Coordinate requests for information from clinicians as required.
Active engagement with cancer management teams
Ensure our patients, their families, and carers have access to information and facilitate participation in their condition management.
Clinical Research Nurse
Northwick Park Hospital, United Kingdom
12/2020 to 02/2022
Portfolio: Oxford Vaccine Trial, COV-Boost Trial, COV-009 Long Term Efficacy Trial, Astra Zeneca Variant Boost Trial, Sanofi Variant Boost Trial
Recruitment, management, and follow-up of participants in large clinical trials
Site preparation, supply procurement, data collection, quality assurance
Study protocol implementation & site file maintenance
Case reporting, education, and counselling
Participant education, support, and advocacy
Informed consenting of study participants
Coordination of research team and logistical management of specimen samples
Adherence to clinical trial protocols and good clinical practice standards
Registered Nurse.
Marie Stopes International, United Kingdom
11/2016 - 12/2020
Gynaecology Clinical Applications
Assessment, screening, and triaging of post termination and vasectomy patients
Providing reproductive and sexual health education for clients/families
Providing primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention, including Safeguarding
Communicating and documenting nursing interventions
Managing outcomes related to post termination
Organisational Applications within MSI
CRS, Mitel, and Ignite system utilisation
Identification and use of best practice models to support informatics
Professional Role
Pursuing evidence-based practice and maintaining best practice models
Audits: Patient call rates, indexed by clinic attendance and main concern
Exercising leadership inquiry and utilising research
Participating in clinical quality improvement activities
Being a professional and educational resource for non-clinical staff
Registered Nurse.
North Bristol Trust, England, United Kingdom
Nurse-led medical management of pregnancy terminations
Nurse-led obstetric Triage procedures: suspected ectopic pregnancy, PPROM
Emergency management/delivery of pregnancies <23 weeks
Care and management of patients with Hyperemesis Gravidarum, PPROM, cervical cerclage, gestational diabetes, kidney/urinary tract disorders, and third trimester/post partum mastitis/breast abscess
Pre-surgical assessment, admission and post-surgical patient care of cystectomy, myomectomy, oophorectomy, hysterectomy
Care of patients with acute endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, chronic pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, and post menopausal bleeding
Care of patients with ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)
Breast Cancer
Surgical patient care of lymph node biopsies, mastectomy, reconstructive surgery
Post-op education/teaching regarding surgical site care, drain maintanence, and axillary exercises ​
Hemi-vac drain care, maintanence, and removal
​Post-surgical patient care of pelvic organ prolapse/reconstruction, TVT/TOT procedures, and colporrhaphy
Post void residual assessment with bladder scanner​
Community Nurse Practitioner.
Department of Health, Bermuda
​10/2012 - 12/2014
Advanced Practice
Screening and examination of communicable diseases in the adolescent and adult populations
Contact investigation and tracing of STI and other communicable diseases
Maintained data collection of STI and HIV cases weekly
Home visitation to at-risk families, ensuring education of preventative measures regarding communicable diseases
Counseled target populations on sexual behaviour, STDs, risk reduction behavior, contraceptives, immunizations, and common childhood conditions
Appropriate referrals to other healthcare resources for at-risk patients and adolescents
Public Health/Administration
Provided routine well woman care with appropriate follow-up and/or referral
Managed statistical assessment and maintenance of school-aged children in the central-west district (6 schools)
School Health activities: Conducted annual vision and hearing screenings, and targeted scoliosis screenings
Provided case management and consultation to other public health stakeholders
Managed and inspected clinic stock purchases for the main clinic
Maintenance of vaccine procurement and distribution
Immunization administration through the lifespan, according to policy and Bermuda health initiatives
Coordinated vaccine procurement from Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO)
Assisted with island-wide vaccination programme
Maintained vaccine cold-chain management
Data management of outbreaks and vaccination coverage
Conducted duties related to staffing rotas, budgetary provisions, and statistical data maintenance of child health staff activities
Registered Nurse.
King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, Bermuda
​12/2010 - 09/2012
IV Therapy with care of port-a-caths, central/peripheral/triple lumen catheters lines, blood product administration, TPN administration
Wound assessment and care with administration of enzyme debriders, VAC dressing application and maintenance, ostomy/stoma care and wound irrigation.
Care and maintenance of three-way catheters/indwelling/supra-pubic catheters; Conducted bladder irrigations, male & female catheter insertions,
Chest tube care and maintenance, oxygen therapy administration, tracheostomy care and dressing maintenance
Traction maintenance, stump care, cast care and maintenance of skin and skeletal tractions
Pre-and post-op teaching, inpatient diabetic & hypertension care and stoma patient education
Registered Nurse.
Feminist Women's Health Center, Atlanta, Ga USA
​10/2008 - 10/2009
History intake/Physical assessment of patients from adolescent through adulthood
STI, HIV education & counseling
Skills: Conducted speculum exams, IUD removals,
Pre- and post-surgical patient counselling and patient education related to termination of pregnancy
Contraception counselling and management
Comprehensive care during early pregnancy: physical assessment during pregnancy, teaching & counselling and emotional care
Conducted annual exams for transgendered patients
Patient Education: Testosterone therapy
Registered General Nurse,15k0118O​
Adult NP-C, A9519917​
Women's Health NP-BC MIN104352500​
Registered Nurse, 04643, Advanced Practice Nurse, 00001
Emory University, Georgia USA.
Master of Science, Nursing
​2008 - 2009
Dual Specialisaton: Women's Health & Adult Primary Care
Exploratory Research & Literature Review: "Uterine Fibroids- Prevalence and Management among African American Women"
Emory University, Georgia USA.
Bachelor of Science, Nursing
​2006 - 2008
​General Nursing Degree: Mental health, Paediatrics, Adult Nursing, and Maternity
Touro University International, California, USA
Master of Science, International Health
​2004 - 2006
Honors Graduate: Magna Cum Laude
Culminating Capstone Project: "Perceptions of Health of First Generation Latino Immigrants within Miami-Dade County"
Touro University International, California, USA
Bachelor of Health Science, Health Education
​2001 - 2004
​Honors Graduate: Summa Cum Laude